Our solutions

Efficiency Improvement

Arge Bilişim engineers are experts in work and time study methods, engineering department installation, efficiency-oriented layout drawing, traceable and measurable line installation, bottleneck management, quality and efficiency measurement, quality-oriented product production and bonus systems installation.Arge Bilişim provides consultancy services in the terms of productivity and quality improvement with its industrial engineers.Arge Bilişim offers @rgeMAS production management system which includes real-time efficiency measurement, real-time OEE measurement and real-time lost time modules.Arge Bilişim, collects real-time data from all operators and operations of the factories; It provides data collection terminals that enable real-time production following by measuring productivity, OEE and quality.


Quality Improvement

Arge Bilişim engineers ,are specialized in traceable and measurable line installation, quality-oriented product production, quality control and setting up bonus systems.Arge Bilişim with its industrial engineering staff, provides consultancy services on productivity and quality improvement in factories.Arge Bilişim offers @rgeMAS production management system including real-time, in-line, end of line and final quality measurement and bonus systems modules.@rgeMAS system, collects real-time data from all operators and operations of the factories; Arge Bilişim provides data collection terminals that enable real-time production following by measuring productivity, OEE and quality.


Realizing a Traceable Product and Measurable Production System

The traceability of products during and after production is one of the most important requirements for customer satisfaction and healthy production. Monitoring the material during production is the basis for measuring the efficiency and quality of each workstation.In order to measure each operator and machine in terms of quality and efficiency for a traceable production system, we need to install bundle,kanban and lean walking systems. Traceable and measurable line installations are among our theoretical and practical consultancy services.


Balanced Line Installation

In order to provide sufficient and quality material to each workstation,balanced lines must be installed. Balanced line installation is one of the requirements for increasing productivity. In factories, we provide theoretical and practical consultancy on balanced line installations and bottleneck management to increase productivity.


Fair remuneration Systems

Remuneration system is one of the most basic systems in business. The fairness of the remuneration system directly affects the company in terms of life and competitiveness. It should not be forgotten that the primary purpose of the employees’ arrival to the factory is to give labor and to get a remuneration.Bonus is a conditional expense. If employees bring the factory income above the target profit, in case extra remuneration will be earned. Therefore, the bonus is a profitable and fair remuneration system for both factory and employees.In factories, we develop productivity and quality by establishing productivity and quality based bonus systems. A fair and objective bonus system based on measurement is a very effective factor in improving productivity and quality. Our company is specialized in setting up bonus systems.

Effective Maintenance and Repair System

Arge Bilişim offers the @rgeMAS production management system, which includes maintenance, repair and predictive maintenance modules.Arge Bilisim offers data collection terminals that enable the collection of failure or predictive maintenance data manually or automatically from production machines.@rgeMAS collects data from production machines whether maintenance is required or not, If there is a maintenance needed, there is a predictive maintenance module that sends the task to the technical service department. The data of the machines that need to be repaired can be sent to the technical service as a real-time task via data collection terminals. In addition, by defining maintenance time and various definitions of production machines by keeping records informing the concerned technical service.

Real-Time Production Tracking

Arge Bilişim using data inputs used for measuring real-time productivity, @rgeMAS offers a real-time production tracking module.Arge Bilişim collects real-time data from all operations of the factory; provides data collection terminals that enable real-time production tracking.By using our products, order , model, color, size and order status can be tracked in real-time.


OEE Developement

KPI OEE is used to measure the efficiency of production machines.Each production machine’s OEE ; its lost times, efficiencies, quality can be measured in real time.In real time machines’ working, stopping, malfunction-maintenance and similar closed conditions can be monitored and reported.The software can measure the OEE of production machines in real time and also calculate and report the efficiency of operators feeding or using the machine in real time.

ISO Compliance Reports

The @rgeMRP material requirements planning software and @rgeMAS, the production management software provided byArge Bilişim, contain the reports required by ISO16949 standard used in automotive. We provide easily acceptable reports in both main automotive industry and ISO audits. With these reports, we provide information systems needed for continuous improvement to our customers which are successful in audits.